A great professor once said that students often struggle most when they don't know what to do. It doesn't matter how skilled an instructor is if they are unable to identify how to transfer information effectively, and paint a clear picture of where we are and where we need to go.
As a former customer and provider of professional services, I understand what it's like to experience world class service, as well as regret from sub par delivery - you can have an amazing instructor, but it's all for not if the student is confused or unable to ascertain what they are supposed to do and why. We promise that every student will be 100% satisfied or a full, no questions asked refund will be immediately provided.
We start with a free consultation in order to identify the current and future goals of the student (and/or their parents), as well as current level of playing. We will learn what equipment the student has to work with and tailor a customized plan, taking all of this into consideration. Short and medium term goals will be set so improvements can be tracked and measured, so you can be confident that you are receiving the value you expect.
Every student will receive a personalized cloud folder with tutorial videos, assignments, and weekly recaps. This allows the student to be present during the lessons without having to worry about taking notes or remembering all the key lesson points.
Consistency is the key to improvement. Weekly lessons are strongly recommended at a minimum, as well as 30 minutes of practice assignments five days a week. Accommodations and customized plans will be made for students that are unable to commit to this format.
If you like what you've read so far and are interested in more information and/or scheduling your free consultation, give us a shout or call Adam at 757-348-6898. Let's make great things happen!
Prices starting at $40/hr
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